Using Air Filtration to Help Manage Allergies and Asthma

For millions of Americans, allergies can make life miserable. Allergies to tree and plant pollen, dust, and pets can cause a runny nose, sneezing, itching, coughing, or worse. And for people with ongoing respiratory issues such as asthma or COPD, allergies can exacerbate symptoms and increase the chances of an asthma attack. While many individuals with allergies wait until their symptoms are severe before they seek support, implementing treatment in the early stages or even before the symptoms become severe is a much better option. Now is a great time to get ahead of the curve!

One of the best ways to do this is by removing irritants from your home environment. And it’s not only plant and pet dander that exacerbate symptoms. Indoor air pollution from things like household cleaning products, pesticides, furniture, carpets, paints, and solvents can all create problems. Thankfully, a high quality HEPA air filter has been shown to reduce allergy and asthma symptoms in both children and adults (you can check out the links below for some of the many studies that support this approach). 

With so many different air filtration devices available on the market, how do you choose the right one for your home or business? At our office we use Austin Air purifiers in our waiting room and each of our exam rooms, and highly recommend this brand to anyone in the market for their own air purifier. It was developed specifically for people with allergies, and by using a combination of Medical Grade HEPA and a carbon cloth, the Austin Air machines deliver clean air, free from allergens, fast. The Medical Grade HEPA and HEGA filtration used in this unit is proven to remove up to 99% of all airborne contaminants as small as 0.1 microns, including viruses, bacteria, dust, dander and allergens. What’s not to love?

In fact, we love it so much that we’ve contracted with the company to secure a discount for any of our patients that want to order one. Call us today for more information!

And if you’re in need of additional approaches to managing allergies or supporting your respiratory system, we’re here to help with that too. Our licensed Naturopathic Doctors can utilize a wide range of holistic approaches to help you reduce your allergies and get you breathing easily again. Call us at 707-840-0556 for more information of click on Become a Patient to get better heath care today.

Links and Research:

  1. A review on human health perspective of air pollution with respect to allergies and asthma

  2. Efficacy of air purifier therapy in allergic rhinitis

  3. Importance of air purifiers in the prevention of respiratory allergy

  4. Effects of Indoor Air Purifiers on Children with Asthma

  5. Effect of Air Filtration Systems on Asthma: A Systematic Review of Randomized Trials


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