Avoiding Forever Chemicals In Makeup

Carcinogenic “forever chemicals” are more prevalent in makeup and beauty care products than you might think, so how can you minimize your risk?

First off, some context. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a group of manufactured chemicals containing thousands of different compounds that do not break down and can accumulate in the environment and human body over time. They also persist for long periods of time, hence the nickname "forever chemicals." PFAS have been used for decades in things like nonstick cookware, stain repellents, and even pizza boxes, and it turns out that they are used in skin and beauty care products as well. 

Last year the EPA finally acknowledged that these chemicals are actually quite toxic, and much more dangerous than they had previously stated. PFAS are linked to severe health effects such as cancer, hormone disruptions, weakened immune systems, and low birth weights. If you’re using any products with these chemicals, it is important for both your own health as well as the health of the environment to stop using them.  

And how can you make sure you're avoiding PFAS? Thankfully, the Environmental Working Group has an app that lets you check products for dirty ingredients before you buy them. It’s known as their “Healthy Living” app, and you can find a link for it in the resources below. All you have to do is scan the barcode or enter the product name into their search tab and it gives a full list of ingredients and whether or not they are safe for your health. 

While we emphasize prevention as the first step in reducing your risk, if you’re concerned about prior or continued exposures and looking for ways of supporting your body’s detoxification systems, we are here to help. Our licensed Naturopathic Doctors can utilize a wide range of holistic approaches to help your body rid itself of toxins and get you feeling healthy again. Call us today at 707-840-0556 or visit us at https://www.ncnatmed.com/ for more information.

Links and Resources:

  1. Environmental Working Group app: https://www.ewg.org/apps/ 

  2. Smithsonian report on PFAS in makeup: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/hold-blush-cosmetics-may-contain-toxic-forever-chemicals-180978036/

  3. EPA acknowledgement of PFAS dangers: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-advances-science-protect-public-pfoa-and-pfos-drinking-water


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