We are now offering IV nutrient therapy!

Intravenous nutrient therapy Myer's IV Cocktail

We are excited to announce that our office is now offering IV nutrient therapy!

If you’re already familiar with this type of therapy, we know you’re as excited as we are. For those of you having a “wait, what is IV therapy?” moment, allow us to explain. IV nutritional therapy (a.k.a intravenous therapy, IV nutrition, IV therapy or IV nutrient therapy) is a type of therapy commonly used for its wide range of health benefits, which can include improved immune function, anti-aging, detoxification, energy support and more. Because IV therapy is administered directly into the veins, the results may be faster than those of oral or other traditional medicines. The process is similar to getting a blood draw for lab work, but instead of taking blood out, fluids and nutrients get replenished instead! When administered properly, IV nutrient therapy can be safe, effective and restorative, and can be customized to suit the unique needs of each individual.

Who can it help? 

When asked who should consider IV nutrition, there is really no single answer. Because of the high dose of antioxidants, nutrients, and other immune-boosting factors, individuals who have weakened immune systems or diseases that negatively impact immune resilience may benefit from IV treatment. Often times, we find symptomatic improvement in those who:

  • Suffer from low energy 

  • Perform athletic exercises 

  • Suffer from chronic fatigue  

  • Require intravenous hydration   

  • Seek relief from hangover or withdrawal symptoms

  • Have allergies or excess inflammation

  • Suffer from depression or anxiety

  • Have digestive difficulties absorbing nutrients

Why is IV therapy so useful? 

For one, it provides a direct route for the nutrients to enter our system. Even if you’re drinking the recommended “8 glasses of water per day” and eating a well-balanced diet (which you should definitely keep doing!), oral intake of nutrients is no match for an IV when it comes to efficiency. In bypassing the often unpredictable gut, IV therapy provides a direct route to our cells, ensuring that we get 100% of the nutrients and hydration we take in. This allows us to take in a greater concentration of nutrients as well. Because IV nutrients enter the bloodstream directly, we’re able to tolerate many more types of nutrients and higher amounts of them than what our digestive tract might usually be able to handle. 

Are there any downsides? 

Depending on the type of IV being administered, IV therapy can be on the more expensive side of treatment options, and there are other ways to absorb these nutrients (including drinking fluids, taking vitamins orally, etc.) which can be cheaper and still very effective. Some may see the value in the investment, but for others on a tight budget this may pose a problem. And while the potential for an adverse reaction to a nutrient IV is low, the most common adverse reactions include bruising at the insertion site or rash from the adhesives used to keep the IV in place. Phlebitis (inflammation of the vein) is another potential, but very treatable, adverse reaction. Our nutrient IVs are always administered by licensed medical professionals who are trained to recognize and respond to the most common adverse reactions.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t get an IV? 

While the majority of adults can greatly benefit from IV nutrient therapy, certain individuals are not candidates for IVs, and any reputable clinic will screen for contraindications. This includes those with cardiac issues and/or renal insufficiency, as well as anyone on dialysis. You should always let our medical staff know about any life-threatening allergies, prescription medications, and supplements you take before receiving an IV treatment. For everyone else whose heart and kidneys are functioning normally, IV therapy can provide a direct route to optimal physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

For more information…

If you’re interested in supporting your health with IV nutrient therapy, call us today at 707-840-0556 or visit us at https://www.ncnatmed.com/ for more information. We currently offer a modified Myer’s Cocktail which includes a mixture of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12) plus calcium and magnesium. We can also add vitamin C for immune support and glutathione for detoxification support depending on each individual’s needs. Please note that we do not offer high dose IV vitamin C at this time, but we will be sure to provide updates if this does become available.


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