Tips On Staying Safe Amidst Wildfire Smoke

Even if you haven’t been directly impacted by the wildfire smoke, chances are you at least know someone who has. So how can you and your loved ones keep everyone’s lungs healthy amidst this additional burden? We’ve put together a few tips to help stay protected from the smoke as well as some natural therapeutics that can help strengthen the lungs if they have been exposed.

The first and most important step is to limit your exposure. Check the air quality in your area (see links provided below) and limit your time outdoors if the air quality is bad. If you do have to go outside, avoid breathing in the smoke by using a N95 mask. Inside your home, make sure to run an air filter (MERV 13+ or higher) with your central air system, or consider a portable air filter for rooms where you spend the most time. We highly recommend the Austin Air filters, which is what we use at our office year-round (note: if you’re already a patient here we can get you one at a discount). Make sure your windows and doors are tightly closed, and avoid running the vacuum or frying foods since these activities can worsen the air quality inside your house. Consider using a damp cloth or mopping to clean instead. 

If you have been exposed to the smoke, there are a variety of herbal allies that can help. Mullein, marshmallow, elecampane, and yerba santa all have traditional uses in supporting the health of the lungs and can be taken as a tea or tincture. Herbs in the mint family can also help with relaxing the airways of the lungs and allow us to breathe easier, though you would want to use these only when you are in a clean air environment. This includes things like peppermint, rosemary, oregano, sage, and many others. 

Looking beyond botanical therapies, sinus irrigation with a bulb syringe or neti pot is a great way to remove any particulate from the entryway to your respiratory system. To actively repair the lining of the lungs, as well as prevent further damage, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has a lot of great research behind it, and is generally very safe and well tolerated. We’ve listed one review article below for NAC, though there are many other studies to confirm similar findings. 

If you are having respiratory difficulties as a result of the wildfires, we recommend contacting your primary care provider immediately. If you are in need of a primary care provider, or are simply looking for a more natural approach to your health, our licensed Naturopathic Doctors are available to help and can provide holistic treatment options as well as conventional therapies. Call us today at 707-840-0556 for more information.







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